Moba's Farmpackers are the industry standard worldwide. Simple and robust, well engineered with the best egg handling in the industry. Many Moba Farmpackers use the principle of individual egg handling, the guiding principal in Moba's line of Omnia egg graders. Moba Farmpacker's unique design allows them to pack your eggs without waiting for six eggs like other machines on the market. This leads to reduced pressure on the infeed and a higher throughput is possible. With a very wide variety of layout choices, there is a configuration that will fit your packing room. All Moba Farmpackers can be integrated with Tray Stackers to automatically stack your eggs and MR 40 Robots (with Eggs Cargo System materials only) that automatically palletise the stacks of eggs.
Scroll down to see them all.
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Moba Farmpackers
Mopack 100

The Mopack 100 Farmpacker combines speed with individual egg handling, all without waiting for six eggs. With a top speed of 36,000 eggs per hour this Farmpacker can be combined with a TS10 Tray Stacker for even more labour savings. Available in straight, 90 degree or 180 bends, it's versatile and has great egg handling. A simple design and robust frame makes this packer a top choice among egg producers worldwide.
With an extra Mopack 100 and a wide Accumulator this unit can be purchased in a twin configurtion (two machines side by side) to combine for 200 CPH throughput with the added flexibility of having two machines.
Click the video to see the Mopack 100 in action or click on the links below to see the brochure.
Mopack 150
The Mopack 150 is the fastest Moba Farmpacker at 54,000 eggs per hour and has modules that can be taken apart very easily to be cleaned via a pressure washer. A unique design allows for varying speeds of eggs on the reservoir and results in a fast yet gentle pack. "Common Speed Loading" into the trays and options like a TS20 Tray Stacker, MR40 Robot and DL10 Denester Loader that will load stacks of trays into the Farmpackers denester give this packer great potential for labour savings. The fastest 6 wide machine on the market and a smart design for easy cleaning make for a great combination.
Watch the video to see the Mopack 150 in action or download the brochure below.

Mopack 55/70
The Mopack 55/70 Farmpacker from Moba is a mechanical Farmpacker built from stainless steel that uses individual egg handling. 20,000-25,000 eggs per hour are the capacities. The machine can be ordered as a 55 CPH or a 70 CPH Farmpacker depending on your needs. No waiting for 6 eggs with this machine. The horizontal track will take eggs from the infeed to the dropset. Easy to operate with simple controls. This Farmpacker also has flow control built in to stop supply of eggs to the packer if needed. This Farmpacker from Moba can come on its own or with an optional Tray Stacker.